Research in the ENDLab seamlessly integrates experiments, theoretical and numerical modeling, field studies, and instrument development. Our team’s expertise spans fundamental fluid dynamics, physical oceanography, stratified flows, and nonlinear dynamics. Leveraging this diverse skill set, we seek to unravel the intricacies of crucial physical environmental and ocean processes rooted in fluid dynamical phenomena. In recent years, our research has evolved from studying fundamental processes to placing a distinct emphasis on ocean utilization, addressing pressing issues such as ocean carbon capture and deep-seabed mining.

  • Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal
    There is rapidly growing interest in the potential of ocean interventions to utilize the capacity of the ocean to sequester anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Our research is developing low-order models to gain fundamental insight into how to configure and monitor systems, creating new sensor capabilities and sensor deployment…
  • Deep Seabed Mining
    The abyssal ocean possesses vast reserves of minerals such as nickel and cobalt, many times those of all global land-based reserves, in the form of polymetallic nodules. Trillions of these nodules, which took millions of years to accrete, are openly strewn across the abyssal plains. In recent years there has…
  • Physical Oceanography
    The motion and physical properties of ocean waters give rise to all manner of environmental processes, from vertical mixing driven by internal wave dynamics to subtle double-diffusive layering phenomena. From the Arctic Ocean to the Mediterranean, via the South China Sea and the Western Pacific Ocean, the ENDLab is conducting…
  • Stratified Flows
    We live our lives in a stratified environment. Fundamental studies of the dynamics of stratified fluids in the ENDLab can provide new insight into novel physical processes that influence the world around us.  News Publications…
  • Flow Transport
    Dynamical systems theory provides a wealth of mathematical tools and geometrical concepts for explaining complex real-world phenomena. We utilize these in the investigation of fundamental fluid flow phenomena in laboratory experiments. In the past, we have demonstrated that low-dimensional models can explain the behavior of highly complex flows of a…